A newly discovered planet has a surface temperature of 330 K and a density of 6 g/cm3. What minimum radius does the planet need to have in order to hold water in its atmosphere indefinitely? (in km)


To determine the minimum radius needed for a planet to hold water in its atmosphere indefinitely, we need to consider the escape velocity required to prevent water molecules from escaping.

The formula for escape velocity can be calculated using the following equation:

v = sqrt(2 * G * M / R),

v = escape velocity,
G = gravitational constant (6.67430 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2),
M = mass of the planet, and
R = radius of the planet.

First, let's convert the given surface temperature of the planet from Kelvin (K) to Celsius (°C):

T(°C) = T(K) - 273.15
T(°C) = 330 K - 273.15 ≈ 56.85 °C

The boiling point of water at atmospheric pressure is 100 °C. Since the given temperature (56.85 °C) is below the boiling point, water can exist in liquid form on the planet's surface.

The next step is to calculate the escape velocity needed to retain water in its atmosphere. For simplicity, we will assume the planet has a uniform density.

To do that, we will use the formula for escape velocity and solve for the radius (R):

v = sqrt(2 * G * M / R)
R = 2 * G * M / (v^2),

v = escape velocity (in m/s),
G = gravitational constant (6.67430 × 10^-11 m^3 kg^-1 s^-2),
M = mass of the planet (in kg), and
R = radius of the planet (in meters).

Now, let's calculate the escape velocity needed using the boiling point of water (100 °C) as a reference:

v = sqrt(2 * G * M / R)
v = sqrt(2 * (6.67430 × 10^-11) * M / R)

Since the given density is 6 g/cm³, we can calculate the mass of the planet using the density and the volume formula:

Density = Mass / Volume
6 g/cm³ = (Mass) / (4/3 * π * R³)
6 g/cm³ = (Mass) / (4/3 * π * (R * 10^5)³)
6 g/cm³ = (Mass) / (4/3 * π * (R^3 * 10^15))
6 g/cm³ = (Mass) / (4/3 * π * (R^3) * (10^15))
6 g/cm³ = (Mass) / (4.18879 * R^3 * 10^15)
Mass = 6 g/cm³ * 4.18879 * R^3 * 10^15
Mass = 25.13 * R^2 * 10^15 (approximation)

Now, we can substitute the calculated mass into the formula for escape velocity:

v = sqrt(2 * G * M / R)
v = sqrt(2 * (6.67430 × 10^-11) * 25.13 * R^2 * 10^15 / R)
v = sqrt(334.2517 * R^2 * 10^15 / R)
v = sqrt(334.2517 * R * 10^15)

We want to solve for the minimum radius for which the escape velocity is equal to the speed of sound at the given temperature. The speed of sound in air at 56.85 °C is approximately 381.5 m/s.

v = 381.5 m/s
381.5 m/s = sqrt(334.2517 * R * 10^15)

Now, we can solve for R:

(R * 10^15) = (381.5 m/s)^2 / 334.2517
R = (381.5 m/s)^2 / (334.2517 * 10^15)
R = 4.364 m

Finally, let's convert the radius to kilometers:

R (km) = R (m) / 1000
R (km) = 4.364 m / 1000
R (km) ≈ 0.004 km

Therefore, the minimum radius needed for the planet to hold water in its atmosphere indefinitely is approximately 0.004 km.

To determine the minimum radius of the planet needed to hold water in its atmosphere indefinitely, we need to consider the escape velocity of water molecules from the planet's gravitational field.

The escape velocity can be calculated using the formula:

v = √(2GM/R)

- v represents the escape velocity
- G is the gravitational constant (approximately 6.674 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2)
- M is the mass of the planet
- R is the radius of the planet

For water molecules to be retained in a planet's atmosphere indefinitely, the planet's escape velocity should be greater than the average speed of water molecules at the given temperature.

The average speed of water molecules can be estimated using the root mean square (RMS) velocity formula:

v_rms = √(3kT/m)

- v_rms represents the RMS velocity
- k is the Boltzmann constant (approximately 1.38 × 10^-23 J/K)
- T is the temperature in Kelvin
- m is the molar mass of water (approximately 18.015 g/mol)

Now let's calculate the escape velocity and the RMS velocity to find the minimum radius of the planet needed to hold water in its atmosphere indefinitely.

First, we need to convert the density from g/cm3 to kg/m3. Since 1 g/cm3 = 1000 kg/m3, the density of the planet will be 6000 kg/m3.

Next, let's calculate the RMS velocity:
v_rms = √(3 × 1.38 × 10^-23 J/K × 330 K / 0.018015 kg/mol)
v_rms ≈ 457.7 m/s

Now, let's calculate the escape velocity using the following equation:
v = √(2 × 6.674 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2 × M / R)

We need to find M in terms of the planet's density and volume:
M = density × volume
M = 6000 kg/m3 × (4/3)πR^3

Rearrange the equation to solve for R:
v = √(2 × 6.674 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2 × density × volume / R)
R = 2 × 6.674 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2 × density × volume / v^2

Substitute in the values:
R = 2 × 6.674 × 10^-11 N(m/kg)^2 × 6000 kg/m3 × (4/3)πR^3 / (457.7 m/s)^2

Now, we can solve this equation to find the minimum radius of the planet needed to hold water in its atmosphere indefinitely. However, this equation doesn't have a closed-form solution, so it requires an iterative numerical method or a computational approach to find the radius. Therefore, solving this equation may not be feasible by hand.

However, once the radius is found, we can convert it from meters to kilometers for a more understandable representation. Simply divide the radius in meters by 1000 to obtain the radius in kilometers.

Please note that the actual calculation can be quite complex, and it may be necessary to utilize computer simulations or more advanced mathematical techniques to obtain a precise solution.