a carbon containing 3 atoms of carbon and 8 atoms of hydrdren combinend in reactionwith oxygen molecules the 2 end products of this equation are carbon dioxide co 2 an water what element should i look at first inn this oxygen hydrogen carbon or dioxide and wen finish balancing this what chemicalor element will hav the largest no of molecules the c3h the oxygen carbon dioxide or water pleese ty very much

DrWLS answered this question for you on your first post. Plese read the answers before posting duplicates.

To determine which element to look at first in this equation, we need to consider the reactants and products involved. The reactant carbon-containing compound, which consists of 3 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms, will have either carbon or hydrogen as the focus element.

In this case, since carbon and hydrogen are present in the reactant and carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the end products, it is reasonable to start with carbon as the element to analyze. By focusing on carbon, we can determine how many carbon atoms are present in the reactant and compare it to the carbon atoms in the product (CO2).

To balance the equation and find the element with the largest number of molecules, we will go through the following steps:

1. Analyze the reactant:
- We have 3 carbon atoms and 8 hydrogen atoms in the reactant (C3H8).

2. Analyze the product:
- The product carbon dioxide (CO2) contains 1 carbon atom and 2 oxygen atoms.
- The product water (H2O) contains 2 hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom.

3. Balance the carbon atoms:
- Since the reactant contains 3 carbon atoms and the product carbon dioxide (CO2) contains 1 carbon atom, we need to multiply CO2 by 3 to balance the carbon atoms.
- The balanced equation becomes: C3H8 + 3CO2 + ...

4. Count the total number of molecules:
- After balancing the carbon atoms, we need to compare the number of molecules of each element.
- In the balanced equation, we have:
- Carbon (C): 3 carbon atoms in the reactant + 3 carbon atoms in CO2 = 6 carbon atoms.
- Hydrogen (H): 8 hydrogen atoms in the reactant.
- Oxygen (O): 2 oxygen atoms in CO2 + 1 oxygen atom in H2O = 3 oxygen atoms.

Based on this analysis, carbon (C) has the largest number of atoms/molecules since there are 6 carbon atoms in the balanced equation.