Identify the underline potions many people use bamboo screens that roll up and down answers are noun clause, adverb clause, subordinate clause, independent clause thanks

@lol lmao right, like at least they arent struggling at connexus anymore ,, so glad im in my 2nd semester as a jr

It's crazy how this question was asked on 2014, like I wonder what they're doing rn

the answer is independent clause

if you're also at connexus, good luck and keep going, you can get through this

Connexus is just so tiring and there’s so much work all the time :(

This is so funny, there are so many connexus kids here. Hi y’all!! :)

In my second sem as well. was supposed to drop out last year but was forced to waste my time here. Connexus is a joke.

we're all here at the same time lol

That's an independent clause.

Many people use bamboo screens= Independent clause. I just took it.

second sem of jr year been in connexus since 2nd grade :')

connexus is easy when you get on the right schedule and yk if you are here then you already got the second part figured out.

Try not to take any languages that they offer, they are not well put together EXCEPT SPANISH. If you need that 2 years of a language take Spanish it's gonna make your life a lot better. If it's now like 2 years after I wrote this don't listen to me.

anyways back to the English test :)


~good luck

Many people use bamboo screens thanks

many people use bamboo screens is that a independent or subordinate

others carry bamboo canes is that a independent or subordinate

What is underlined?

Next time you can capitalize the parts that are underlined.