Which of the following details of Scene 1 of the Diary of Anne Frank shows it is a hideout?

A. The small attic in the building is visible to people in the building.
B. The rooms of the building are painted or covered with curtains.
C. The windows of the warehouse are painted or covered with curtains.
D. There is only one entrance connecting the warehouse and office building.

nexuslearning. net/books/holt-eol2/collection%205/diary%20act%201%20scene%201&2.htm

Yes, I was thinking of C, too. Thanks!

To determine which of the following details of Scene 1 of the Diary of Anne Frank shows that it is a hideout, we can analyze the options:

A. The small attic in the building is visible to people in the building.

This detail does not support the idea that it is a hideout. If the attic is visible to others in the building, then it would not serve as a hidden place.

B. The rooms of the building are painted or covered with curtains.

While this detail does not directly mention the hideout, painting the rooms or covering them with curtains can indicate an attempt to conceal the presence of people inside. This suggests that it could potentially be a hideout.

C. The windows of the warehouse are painted or covered with curtains.

Similar to the previous option, the act of painting or covering the windows with curtains is consistent with attempts to hide the people inside. This detail supports the idea that it is a hideout.

D. There is only one entrance connecting the warehouse and office building.

This detail does not directly indicate that it is a hideout. However, having a limited number of entrances could potentially enhance the security and secrecy of a hideout.

Based on the options presented, the details from Scene 1 of the Diary of Anne Frank that suggest it is a hideout are:

B. The rooms of the building are painted or covered with curtains.
C. The windows of the warehouse are painted or covered with curtains.