Help solving one more question please!Mason spent $15.85 for 3 notebooks and 2 boxes of markers.The boxes of markers cost $3.95 each,and the sales tax was $1.23.he also used a coupon for $0.75 off his purchase.If each notebook had same cost,how much did each notebook cost?

The answer is $2.49. Add the coupon to the total. So $15.85 + $0.75 = $16.60. Next, subtract the sales tax from $16.60. $16.60 - $1.23 = $15.37. Now, subtract one of the boxes of markers from $15.37. So,

$15.37 - $3.95 = $11.42. Now, subtract the other box from $11.42. You do $11.42 - $3.95 = $7.47. That is the 3 notebooks’ cost altogether. Since there are 3 notebooks, you divide $7.47 by 3. $7.47 divided by 3 is $2.49. I went to school and this answer was correct, so, yeah.

Ms IRA you added the .75 instead if subtracting it.

The ans is $2.49

I'm from the future so you can trust me.

The answer is 2.49

Ms. Ira 7.90 + 1.23 is 9.13

Où est la réponse svp

hin jioj jioj

HEY MISS IRA 7.90+1.23 IS 9.13 NOT 7.13

hug hhkj jh hkh ilu kjhk iuh hkjhiuhi h hu89uiu h ujij I jho jhhjhkjl ui ijouoiuio j jklikl jjojio jiou io ioj pol iojp iuo jo oimi iji iop oip ui jo ppi I uiop ujio iuo io uiou I oiu iui iip u iuu ipu uiuiu ou uipup iopiu uopi poiu ioj io ijo i9 oiujm[pio .

i dont understand.gfuwufgkudforefhdgiyfeugfgfgqfyfiyhyoubhcdudygcydgfuodgidgfyufgfggggggggggfefuegfudHYGeSVJFURETHRHHHHUHRRWHTHEEBJEIHEH[EIUHHF[U

I am a teacher And you do this:

First,you do 3.95×2=7.9
Then,7.90+1.23= 7.13

Easy as that justo don't make it top complicated!!!

the first one os wrong

First you figure how much the markers cost together. This is $7.90. You add $3.95 and $3.95 to get this.

Next, you add $1.23 to $7.90 to get $9.13.

Then, you take $9.13 away from $15.85 to get $6.72.

Then, you take $0.75 away from $6.72 to get $5.97.

Next, you divide $5.97 by 3 to get $1.99.

Finally, your final answer is $1.99. The notebooks cost $1.99.