The Daily Gazette accepts classified ads in several categories. For most ads, the newspaper charges 10 cents per word for the first 50 words, and 8 cents per word for every word after that. Design Visual Logic Flowchart for a program that accepts data about an ad: customer name, ad category (for example, Apartment for rent), and number of words. Display all the input data and the price for the ad.

To create a Visual Logic Flowchart for the program that accepts data about an ad and calculates the price, you can follow these steps:

1. Start by creating a start/stop symbol to mark the beginning and end of the flowchart.

2. Add a process symbol to represent the input stage. This symbol will prompt the user to enter the customer name, ad category, and number of words.

3. Use a decision symbol to check if the number of words is less than or equal to 50.

4. If the condition is true (number of words <= 50), multiply the number of words by the rate per word ($0.10) and store it in a variable.

5. If the condition is false (number of words > 50), subtract 50 from the number of words to get the remaining words that fall into the second price category. Multiply this number by the rate per word ($0.08) and add it to the result obtained from step 4. Store this total in a variable.

6. Add an output symbol to display the customer name, ad category, the number of words, and the calculated price.

7. Finally, create a stop symbol to mark the end of the flowchart.

Here is an ASCII representation of the Visual Logic Flowchart for your program:

+---+ +---+
| | Start | |
|---|----------------| |
| | Input | |
| |----------------| |
| | Customer Name, | |
| | Ad Category, | |
| | Num of Words | |
+---+ +---+
+---+ +---+
| | Decision | |
|---|----------------| |
| | Num of Words <=| |
| |50? | |
+---+ +---+
| |
| True |
+---+ +---+
| | Calculate | |
|---|----------------| |
| | Price | |
| |(Num of Words | |
| |* $0.10) | |
+---+ +---+
| |
| False |
+---+ +---+
| | Calculate | |
|---|----------------| |
| | Price | |
| |(50 * $0.10) | |
| |+ | |
| |((Num of Words-| |
| |50) * $0.08) | |
+---+ +---+
+---+ +---+
| | Output | |
|---|----------------| |
| | Customer Name, | |
| | Ad Category, | |
| | Num of Words, | |
| | Price | |
+---+ +---+
| |
| | Stop

Please note that Visual Logic syntax may vary depending on the specific software or tool you are using to create the flowchart. The ASCII representation provided here should give you a general idea of the flowchart structure.