Please show how N and O are combined to make NO^+2 in Lewis dot structure. I'm having a hard time.


To create the Lewis dot structure for NO2+, we need to follow a few steps. Here's a step-by-step guide:

Step 1: Determine the total number of valence electrons in NO2+.

To calculate the total number of valence electrons, we add the valence electrons of each atom. Nitrogen (N) is in Group 15, so it has 5 valence electrons, and Oxygen (O) in Group 16 has 6 valence electrons each. The "+" charge means we have to subtract one electron as the entire molecule has a positive charge. Therefore, the total valence electrons are:

[5 (from nitrogen)] + [2 × 6 (from two oxygen atoms)] - 1 (due to a +1 charge) = 15 valence electrons.

Step 2: Connect the atoms in the molecule using a single bond.

Since NO2+ consists of one nitrogen atom and two oxygen atoms, the nitrogen atom will be in the center since it's less electronegative than oxygen. The oxygen atoms will be bonded to the nitrogen atom by single bonds.

Step 3: Distribute the remaining electrons around the atoms.

Subtracting the already used electrons from the total, we have 15 - 5 - 2 × 6 = 2 remaining valence electrons. These electrons will be placed around the atoms to complete their octets.

Step 4: Place the remaining electrons around the central atom, following the octet rule.

Since nitrogen already has 8 valence electrons (4 from the single bonds and 4 on its own), we need to place the remaining 2 electrons on the oxygen atoms.

Step 5: Check if all atoms have an octet, making sure if any atoms don't have enough electrons or if any atoms have more than an octet.

In the case of NO2+, nitrogen has 8 electrons (octet), and each oxygen atom has 10 electrons (8 from the single bonds and 2 on its own). Therefore, all the atoms have their octets satisfied.

Step 6: Determine the formal charges.

Formal charge is a way to determine the distribution of electrons in a molecule. The formula is:

Formal Charge = Valence Electrons - (Lone Pair Electrons + 0.5 * Bonding Electrons)

Fill in the formal charges for each atom. Nitrogen has a formal charge of +1, while each oxygen atom has a formal charge of -1.

Step 7: Check the overall charge of the molecule.

The molecule NO2+ has a +1 charge, as indicated in the question.

The final Lewis dot structure for NO2+ will have the nitrogen atom in the center bonded to two oxygen atoms using single bonds. The formal charge of nitrogen will be +1, and oxygen will have a formal charge of -1.