A car travels in a straight line at 67 km/h for 1 h and at 106 km/h for 2 h.

How far does it travel?

what is 67*1+106*2?

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To find the distance traveled, we can use the formula:

Distance = Speed × Time

First, let's calculate the distance traveled during the first hour, when the car is traveling at 67 km/h.

Distance1 = Speed1 × Time1
Distance1 = 67 km/h × 1 h
Distance1 = 67 km

Next, let's calculate the distance traveled during the next two hours, when the car is traveling at 106 km/h.

Distance2 = Speed2 × Time2
Distance2 = 106 km/h × 2 h
Distance2 = 212 km

Finally, to find the total distance traveled, we add the distances from the two time periods:

Total Distance = Distance1 + Distance2
Total Distance = 67 km + 212 km
Total Distance = 279 km

Therefore, the car travels a total distance of 279 km.