“The subject of this paper is my experience with teaching elementary school children”

Is this a weak or strong thesis statement

Weak, because you should mention specifically what is it about your experience with teaching children that you want to write about.

It's not even a thesis statement.

Read the linked page Writeacher provided for me in the post titled "Essay Evaluation (Writeacher)" below. It most certainly should be able to help you.

To determine whether the statement "The subject of this paper is my experience with teaching elementary school children" is a weak or strong thesis statement, we should consider a few factors.

A strong thesis statement usually presents a clear, specific, and arguable claim that can be supported with evidence and analysis. It serves as the main point or focus of the paper and should be directly related to the topic under discussion.

In the provided statement, "The subject of this paper is my experience with teaching elementary school children," we can see that the focus of the paper is clearly stated: the author's experience with teaching elementary school children. However, the thesis is weak because it lacks specificity, clarity, and an arguable claim.

To make this thesis statement stronger, consider revising it to be more specific and clear. For example, "My experience with teaching elementary school children highlights the importance of incorporating interactive learning methods to enhance their educational development." In this case, the revised thesis clearly states the author's experience while also making an arguable claim about the significance of using interactive learning methods.

Remember, a strong thesis statement should provide direction and purpose for the paper, making it easier for the reader to understand the main argument being presented.