If the tongs used in the experiement were made of pure iron, what might happen if the tongs were allowed to remain in contact with the CuCl2 solution?

Fe(s) + Cu^2+(aq) ==> Cu(s) + Fe^2+(aq)

If the tongs used in the experiment were made of pure iron and were allowed to remain in contact with a CuCl2 (copper chloride) solution, a chemical reaction called a redox reaction would likely occur.

To understand what might happen, we need to consider the properties of iron and copper in relation to their reactivity. Iron is less reactive compared to copper, meaning it is lower in the reactivity series. Copper has a higher tendency to lose electrons and form positive ions compared to iron. In this case, copper ions are present in the CuCl2 solution.

When iron comes into contact with the CuCl2 solution, the iron atoms may lose electrons, while the copper ions may gain these electrons. This process is known as reduction-oxidation or redox reaction. The iron will be oxidized (losing electrons) and copper will be reduced (gaining electrons). As a result, the copper from the CuCl2 solution would start to plate onto the iron tongs, forming a layer of metallic copper on the surface of the iron tongs.

Over time, this plating of copper on the iron tongs can alter the properties and appearance of the tongs. The iron tongs may become coated with a layer of copper, which could give them a reddish-brown color. If the copper plating continues, it may eventually cause the tongs to become brittle or even break, as the copper layer is not as strong as the original iron material.

In summary, if tongs made of pure iron are allowed to remain in contact with a CuCl2 solution, a redox reaction may occur, resulting in a gradual plating of copper onto the tongs, potentially altering their properties and leading to eventual damage.

I dun know