To make is the infinitive is it an adjective

To clarify, "to make" is not an infinitive, but rather an infinitive phrase. An infinitive is the base form of a verb (e.g., "make"), while an infinitive phrase includes the infinitive along with any complements or modifiers (e.g., "to make a cake").

Regarding your question about whether it is an adjective, an infinitive phrase can indeed function as an adjective. It can modify a noun or pronoun, providing additional information about it. For instance, in the sentence "I have a cake to make," the infinitive phrase "to make" modifies the noun "cake" and describes its purpose or function.

To identify an infinitive phrase as an adjective, look for phrases that begin with the word "to" followed by a base form of a verb. Consider the context and how it modifies other parts of the sentence to determine its function.