Which is a good comparison of the estimated sum and the actual sum of 7 7/8 + 2 11/12?

A. Estimated < actual
B. Actual> estimated
C. Actual = estimated
D. Estimated < actual

I chose D

I don't think the answer is given in your choices.

I'd estimate the sum to be 11

You know, Ms Sue is right. If we round up the values to the next integer, our estimate will be greater than the actual value.

(B) is now my choice.

That's my answer, and I'm sticking to it!

hey dont look at me lol im just looking for a answear to finish my homework so is it A or D

👇like if agree dont like is u dont agree or dislike is dont agree but at this point just dont do nothing lol.

actual < estimate

As shown, the correct choice is not given.

Gotta stop hitting the Return key till I'm sure my writing reflects my thinking.

answer is b

I choose the one the one that is the estimated > actual. For some reason I did it because the real answer is 10 8/12, but the estimated answer is 11. So, that's why I chose the one that is estimated > actual.

I think it is B

That is what I got anyway

(shrug) I am sticking to that answer

B. Actual> estimated

i chose B

the answer in me is A

I think it's A B C D

Oh it was supposed to be the other way. Whoops

so do I

just curious, why are A and D the same?