production. Describe at least two alternatives to oil that are currently available and discuss the barriers that keep these alternatives from replacing oil as our primary means of energy? Additionally, utilizing at least two scholarly or reputable resources and your textbook, discuss the role that government plays in ensuring

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There are several alternatives to oil that are currently available and could potentially replace it as our primary means of energy. Two such alternatives are:

1. Natural Gas: Natural gas is a cleaner-burning fossil fuel compared to oil, and it has become an increasingly popular alternative. It is used for electricity generation, heating, and transportation. The barriers to its widespread adoption as the primary means of energy include the high costs of infrastructure development to supply and distribute natural gas, especially for transportation. Additionally, natural gas extraction can have negative environmental impacts, such as methane leakage, which is a potent greenhouse gas.

2. Renewable Energy Sources: Renewable energy sources like solar and wind power have gained significant traction in recent years. These sources are abundant, sustainable, and have minimal environmental impact. However, several barriers hinder their complete replacement of oil as the primary means of energy. The intermittent nature of solar and wind power creates challenges for consistent energy generation. Moreover, the high costs associated with transitioning to renewable energy infrastructure and storage systems continue to be a major obstacle. Additionally, the existing energy grid infrastructure is mostly designed for fossil fuel-based energy sources and may require significant upgrades to accommodate renewable energy on a large scale.

The role of the government is significant in ensuring the transition to alternative energy sources. Governments can set policies, regulations, and provide incentives to encourage the adoption and development of alternative energy technologies. They can also invest in research and development to drive innovation and create a supportive environment for the growth of these alternatives. Government subsidies and tax incentives can also help reduce the cost of implementing renewable energy projects and promote their accessibility.

Two scholarly resources that provide further insight into this topic are:

1. The International Energy Agency (IEA) - Their annual World Energy Outlook report provides comprehensive analysis and projections on global energy trends, including alternative energy sources and their barriers to adoption.

2. The National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) - NREL is a U.S. government agency that conducts research and development in renewable energy technologies. They publish reports and studies on various renewable energy sources and their potential role in the energy transition.

Your textbook may also have relevant information on alternative energy sources, their barriers, and the role of government in energy transitions. Make sure to consult the relevant chapters or sections related to energy production and alternative energy sources for a comprehensive understanding.