Value of computer software

The value v of a shopkeeper's inventory software program, in hundred of dollars, is given by
v=-3/4t+6, where t is the number of years since the shopkeeper first bought the program.

Graph the equation and use the graph to estimate what the program is worth 4 years after it was first purchased.


have you tried substituting t = 4 into the equation and comparing that answer to your graph result when t = 4 on the horizontal axis ?

To graph the equation v = -(3/4)t + 6, we can create a table of values by assigning different values to t and then calculating the corresponding values of v.

Let's choose some values for t and calculate the corresponding values for v:
When t = 0, v = -(3/4)(0) + 6 = 6
When t = 1, v = -(3/4)(1) + 6 = 5.25
When t = 2, v = -(3/4)(2) + 6 = 4.5
When t = 3, v = -(3/4)(3) + 6 = 3.75
When t = 4, v = -(3/4)(4) + 6 = 3

Now, with these values, we can plot the points (t, v) on a graph.

t | v
0 | 6
1 | 5.25
2 | 4.5
3 | 3.75
4 | 3

Now, let's plot these points on a graph:

6 | .
| .
5 | .
4 |.
3 |_____________________
0 1 2 3 4 5

In this graph, the horizontal axis represents t (number of years) and the vertical axis represents v (value in hundred dollars). The points are plotted as dots and connected in a straight line.

Now that we have the graph, we can estimate what the program is worth 4 years after it was first purchased. From the graph, we can see that when t = 4, the corresponding value v is approximately 3 hundred dollars.

Therefore, the program is estimated to be worth 3 hundred dollars 4 years after it was first purchased.