If you have a line plot with a bag of nuts(in pounds) and there is 1/8 on the graph with 8 x marks on of it bags, 1/4 with 4 x on top of it bags, and 1/2 with 4 x marks on top of it bags. The question goes as follow, Amy filled bags with nuts. She weighed the bags and made a line plot to show how much each bag weighed.1st ?, is How many bags of nuts did Amy fill into the bags? and 2nd ? What was the average weight of the bags of nuts that Amy filled? please answer asap. thanks

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To find the number of bags of nuts Amy filled, we need to examine the line plot provided.

1. First, observe the intervals on the line plot. The intervals represent different weights of the bags.
- 1/8 has 8 x marks on top of it bags.
- 1/4 has 4 x marks on top of it bags.
- 1/2 has 4 x marks on top of it bags.

2. Now, let's determine how many bags each X mark represents for each interval.
- Since there are 8 X marks on top of the interval marked 1/8, each X mark represents 1/8 of a bag.
- Similarly, since there are 4 X marks on top of the interval marked 1/4, each X mark represents 1/4 of a bag.
- Lastly, since there are 4 X marks on top of the interval marked 1/2, each X mark represents 1/2 of a bag.

3. Calculate the number of bags represented by each X mark for each interval.
- For the interval marked 1/8, multiply 1/8 by 8 to get the number of bags filled: (1/8) * 8 = 1 bag.
- For the interval marked 1/4, multiply 1/4 by 4 to get the number of bags filled: (1/4) * 4 = 1 bag.
- For the interval marked 1/2, multiply 1/2 by 4 to get the number of bags filled: (1/2) * 4 = 2 bags.

4. Now, add up the bags from each interval to find the total number of bags filled by Amy.
- Bags from the interval marked 1/8: 1 bag
- Bags from the interval marked 1/4: 1 bag
- Bags from the interval marked 1/2: 2 bags

5. Summing the bags together: 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 bags.

Therefore, Amy filled a total of 4 bags with nuts.

Now let's move on to calculating the average weight of the bags Amy filled.

1. We will use the same information provided in the line plot.

2. The average weight can be found by dividing the total weight of all the bags by the number of bags.

3. Determine the weight represented by each X mark for each interval based on the line plot:
- For the interval marked 1/8, each X mark represents 1/8 of a bag.
- For the interval marked 1/4, each X mark represents 1/4 of a bag.
- For the interval marked 1/2, each X mark represents 1/2 of a bag.

4. Calculate the total weight represented by the X marks for each interval:
- For the interval marked 1/8, each X mark represents 1/8 of a bag. Multiply this weight by the number of X marks (8): (1/8) * 8 = 1 pound.
- For the interval marked 1/4, each X mark represents 1/4 of a bag. Multiply this weight by the number of X marks (4): (1/4) * 4 = 1 pound.
- For the interval marked 1/2, each X mark represents 1/2 of a bag. Multiply this weight by the number of X marks (4): (1/2) * 4 = 2 pounds.

5. Find the total weight by adding up the weights from each interval: 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 pounds.

6. Calculate the average weight by dividing the total weight by the number of bags: 4 pounds / 4 bags = 1 pound.

Therefore, the average weight of the bags of nuts Amy filled is 1 pound.