I have to write about person who smokes using three dimensions which are cultural, institution and personal. How should I go about this? Please give me an example. Thanks.

To write about a person who smokes using the dimensions of culture, institutions, and personal factors, you can approach it as follows:

1. Cultural Dimension:
- Start by discussing the cultural aspects surrounding smoking. Research cultural norms, beliefs, and values associated with smoking in different societies or communities.
- Analyze how culture shapes perceptions towards smoking. Explore if smoking is seen as a social activity, a sign of rebellion, or aligned with certain social groups.
- Link the cultural dimension to the person you are writing about, highlighting their cultural background or the impact of their cultural surroundings on their smoking behavior. For example, if the person belongs to a community where smoking is heavily promoted or accepted, this cultural influence may contribute to their smoking habit.

2. Institutional Dimension:
- Examine the role of institutions, such as family, education, or media, in perpetuating or discouraging smoking behavior.
- Explore how institutions can act as facilitators or barriers for smoking. For instance, consider whether the person's family members or friends smoke and how this influences their smoking patterns.
- Discuss the influence of policies or regulations implemented by institutions (e.g., government anti-smoking campaigns, tobacco advertising restrictions) and how these measures impact the person's smoking behavior.

3. Personal Dimension:
- Focus on understanding the individual's personal reasons or motivations for smoking. Consider factors such as stress relief, peer pressure, addiction, or personal experiences.
- Analyze the individual's psychological and emotional connection to smoking. Explore if smoking fulfills any emotional needs, and discuss any attempts made to quit or the person's attitude towards quitting.
- Include any medical conditions or genetic predispositions that may play a role in the person's smoking behavior.

Let's say you are writing about a fictional character named John who is a smoker.

Cultural Dimension: John grew up in a community where smoking is culturally accepted and frequently practiced. Smoking is seen as a bonding activity during social gatherings, and it is often portrayed as attractive and rebellious in the media and popular culture. These factors may influence John's decision to start smoking as a way to fit into his cultural surroundings and express independence.

Institutional Dimension: John's parents are regular smokers, and he grew up witnessing smoking as a normal part of his family life. His educational environment also lacks anti-smoking education programs, with limited emphasis on the dangers of smoking. These institutional factors may contribute to John adopting a smoking habit as he perceives it as a socially acceptable behavior.

Personal Dimension: John started smoking as a means to cope with stress and anxiety. He finds temporary relief from the nicotine's calming effects, which he feels he cannot achieve through other means. Despite being aware of the health risks, John struggles to quit due to addiction and a sense of emotional dependence on smoking. He has attempted to quit before but failed due to the strong personal associations he has developed with smoking.

By considering these three dimensions (cultural, institutional, personal), you can provide a comprehensive understanding of why a person like John smokes, offering readers insight into the various factors influencing their behavior.