What did Canada do in the 1980's to try to promote economic growth??

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In order to find out what Canada did in the 1980s to promote economic growth, we can start by researching the specific policies and actions taken by the Canadian government during this time. Here are a few steps you could take to gather information:

1. Consult reliable sources: Begin by searching for reputable articles, books, or research papers that discuss economic policies and actions taken by Canada in the 1980s. Reputable sources may include government publications, academic research, or economist analyses.

2. Economic policy reforms: Look for information on any significant economic policy reforms that took place during the 1980s in Canada. This could include changes in fiscal policy, monetary policy, trade policies, or regulations.

3. Trade agreements: Investigate if Canada entered into any major trade agreements during the 1980s that may have stimulated economic growth. For example, the Canada-US Free Trade Agreement was signed in 1989, which later evolved into the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

4. Industry support and diversification: Research if the Canadian government implemented any specific initiatives to support and diversify key industries. For instance, the government might have provided financial incentives, subsidies, or investments to promote growth in sectors such as manufacturing, energy, or technology.

5. Infrastructure investments: Look into whether Canada made significant infrastructure investments during the 1980s. Improved infrastructure, such as transportation systems, can help facilitate economic growth by enhancing trade, reducing costs, and attracting investment.

By following these steps, you can gather information on the specific actions taken by Canada in the 1980s to promote economic growth. Remember to use reliable sources and consider cross-referencing information to validate your findings.