In which stage of mitosis does DNA replication occur?

DNA is replicated in interphase.

DNA replication occurs in the S phase of interphase, which is technically not part of mitosis. However, since interphase precedes mitosis, it is important to mention that DNA replication occurs before mitosis begins. During interphase, the cell prepares for division by growing in size and replicating its DNA. After interphase, the cell enters mitosis, which is divided into several stages: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. In these stages, the replicated DNA is distributed to the daughter cells, ultimately resulting in two identical daughter cells with the same genetic material.

DNA replication occurs during the S phase (synthesis phase) of the cell cycle, which precedes mitosis. During the S phase, the cell duplicates its DNA and synthesizes new DNA molecules. This ensures that each daughter cell produced during mitosis receives a complete set of genetic material.