Can someone check my analogies and see if I did them wrong? Correct me if I'm wrong!

1. shrimp : crustacean ::
A. motor: auto
B. mustang : horse
C. bull : ox
D. squirrel : rodent
I got D

2. glass : cinder block ::
A. soft : hard
B. fragile : breakable
C. house : wall
D. smooth : rough
I got B

3. soap : hands ::
A. sand : brick
B. shower : bath
C. haircut : hair
D. carwash : auto
I got C

I agree with 1 but disagree with the other two.

Would it be D then A for the last two?

2. is D.

Okay & 3 is D right?!?

YES. 3. D

We went over these in class today and they are D D A. Even my teacher didn't understand why 3 was A but according to the answer keys it's A.

To check your analogies, let's analyze each option and see if they correctly relate to the given analogy:

1. shrimp : crustacean ::
A. motor: auto - This analogy does not fit the pattern; it relates to different concepts.
B. mustang : horse - This analogy does not fit the pattern; it relates to a specific type of horse.
C. bull : ox - This analogy does not fit the pattern; it relates to different concepts.
D. squirrel : rodent - This analogy correctly relates to the first analogy. Shrimp is a type of crustacean, and squirrel is a type of rodent. Therefore, the correct answer is D.

2. glass : cinder block ::
A. soft : hard - This analogy does not fit the pattern; it relates to different concepts.
B. fragile : breakable - This analogy correctly relates to the first analogy. Glass is fragile, and a cinder block is also breakable. Therefore, the correct answer is B.

3. soap : hands ::
A. sand : brick - This analogy does not fit the pattern; it relates to different concepts.
B. shower : bath - This analogy does not fit the pattern; it relates to different concepts.
C. haircut : hair - This analogy correctly relates to the first analogy. Soap is used to clean hands, similar to how a haircut is done to hair. Therefore, the correct answer is C.

Based on the analysis, it appears that you got two out of three analogies correct. Well done!