How does societal change happen?

Please give 2 methods and an explanation why you chose your reasons.

Societal change happens through various methods and processes, influenced by factors such as cultural shifts, evolving ideologies, technological advancements, and collective activism. While there are numerous ways in which societal change occurs, I will provide two common methods along with explanations for their selection.

1. Political Activism:
Political activism is a method where individuals or groups actively engage with the political process to create change. This involves organizing protests, lobbying for policy reforms, or advocating for specific causes. Political activism can range from grassroots movements to large-scale campaigns, and its effectiveness depends on factors such as the level of mobilization, public support, and political environment.

Explanation: Political activism is chosen as a method for societal change because it allows people to directly influence the decision-making process and promote change through existing systems. By mobilizing collective action and raising awareness, political activism can lead to policy reforms, new legislations, and government actions that address social issues.

2. Cultural Shifts:
Cultural shifts are gradual changes in attitudes, beliefs, values, and norms within society. These shifts occur over time due to various factors like generational changes, media influence, education, and increased diversity. Cultural shifts can challenge existing social norms and pave the way for acceptance, inclusivity, and progressive change.

Explanation: Cultural shifts are chosen as a method because they focus on changing the underlying beliefs and attitudes that shape societal behavior. This method aims to create a broader acceptance and understanding of social issues, making long-lasting changes at a fundamental level. Cultural shifts have the potential to influence political decision-making, as politicians often respond to changes in public opinion to maintain support.

These methods, political activism and cultural shifts, are just two examples among many ways in which societal change can occur. The effectiveness of each method depends on the context, the issue at hand, and the collective efforts of individuals and communities working towards the desired change. It's important to note that societal change is a complex and multifaceted process that often requires diverse strategies, collaborations, and a sustained commitment to achieve significant results.