Correct if i am wrong?

Which of the following is a quantitative property of minerals?
a. Cleavage
b. Hardness ****
c. Luster
d. Streak

Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of minerals?
a. Occur in gaseous and liquid state
b. Formed by inorganic processes
c. Naturally occurring
d. Definite chemical composition****

Minerals occur as gasses or liquids?

Its a for 2?

I suspect so, but my field is physics, not mining.

ok thanks did i get the first one correct?


You are correct in both of your answers!

To determine which property is quantitative, you can analyze the given options:
a. Cleavage: Cleavage is a physical property of minerals that describes how they break along flat surfaces. It is not quantitative since it doesn't involve any numerical values.
b. Hardness: Hardness is the ability of a mineral to resist scratching or abrasion. It is a quantitative property because it can be measured using a standardized scale, such as Mohs scale of hardness.
c. Luster: Luster refers to how a mineral reflects light and can be described as metallic or non-metallic. This property is qualitative rather than quantitative since it describes appearance rather than numerical values.
d. Streak: Streak is the color of the powdered form of a mineral when it is scraped against a rough surface. Similar to cleavage and luster, it is a qualitative property.

Concerning the characteristics of minerals, you correctly identified that "occurs in gaseous and liquid state" is not a characteristic. Minerals typically occur in solid form. The correct options are:
a. Occur in gaseous and liquid state: This is not correct since minerals are primarily found in solid form, with a few exceptions that can exist as liquids or gases.
b. Formed by inorganic processes: This is one of the characteristics of minerals. They are formed by natural geological processes and are not produced by living organisms like organic compounds.
c. Naturally occurring: This is another characteristic of minerals. They are naturally formed, and they are not artificially created by humans.
d. Definite chemical composition: This is also a characteristic of minerals. They have a specific chemical composition consisting of a definite combination of elements.

Well done on getting the answers right! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.