Can somebody help with my Spanish review?

Combina lógicamente las palabras de vocabulario de las dos columnas.

a. la caza
b. el boxeo
c. penalizar
d. el/la jinete
e. la cancha
f. transnochar
g. el campamento
h. los naipes

1. el arco y la flecha
2. la tienda de campaña
3. la equitación
4. descalificar
5. la pista
6. las veintiuna
7. el/la halterófilo/a
8. salir de juerga

Pon el comparativo correcto en los espacios indicados con *.

2. Ricardo no come * despacio * Miguel.

tanto, como (My answer)
mejor, que
más, que

3. Elena tiene * blusas * Mariluz.

tantas, como (My answer)
tan, como
menor, que

4. Pilar es mala, pero su prima es *.

peor (My answer)
más malo

5. Josefina es * (alto) * su hermana.

tan alta como (My answer)
menos alto que
tanto, como

6. La montaña rusa es * atracción * (emocionante) * un parque de atracciones.

mejor, que, de
la, más emocionante de (My answer)
el, menos emocionante de

7. Mi novio me besa * suavemente * cualquier otro hombre.

más, que (My answer)
mucho, más
tanto, como

Lee el párrafo y llena los espacios con el gerundio o el infinitivo de los siguientes verbos.

Muchas personas tienen la opinión de que (8.)______un toro es cruel. Yo nunca quería (9.)______en los pasatiempos violentos. No obstante, después de (10.)______una corrida de toros salí (11.)______que un toreo es como un espectáculo artístico. Hay momentos de tensión como cuando el toro va (12.)______hacia el torero. Los espectadores se quedan (13.)______la escena con gran asombro, pero es fascinante como el torero manipula el capote y domina al toro.

Choices: Matar, matando, pensar, pensado, mirar, mirando, correr, corriendo, participar, participando.

Can you check my logic to make sure that it works?

8. This is one that I had trouble deciding between correr and matar. I think it's matar. It should be infinitive though because it's a noun, right?

9. participar, it follows querer verb, so it should be infinitive?

10. mirar, this word should be a noun gerund, "watching a run of the bull".

11. pensado, this blank is an adverb gerund because it describes how the running of the bull left me in.

12. corriendo, this blank modifies va, so it should be an adverb gerund.

13. mirando, this blank modifies quedan.


The vocabulary exercise is perfect.

In the 2nd part, with the comparative, I see no number 1?
2 = tan despacio como (with an adjective or adverb, tan...+adverb/adjective...como, is required.
The rest are correct.

In the third exercise, 8 is best with "matar" which is the infinitive.
10. It may be a gerund in English but it IS the infinitive in Spanish. After a preposition, the only form of a verb to use IS the infinitive.
11. CAREFUL between the -do and the -ndo because pensado means "thought" and pensando means "thinkING."
Everything else is correct.


Thanks for the help.

For number 2, the only answers I'm given are the ones up there. So if tanto, como isn't correct, would the best answer be (mas, que)?

And I meant to put pensando, but I forgot the n. 11 should've said pensando

Sorry, accidentally used my brother's account because he forgot to log off. :P

Right you are on #2, if you had to use the choices provided!


P.S. Don't forget the accent mark on "más que"


Sure, I can help you with your Spanish review! Let's go through each question and check your logic.

8. In this sentence, the verb "matar" means "to kill." Since the sentence is expressing an opinion that "bullfighting is cruel," it makes more sense to use the gerund form "matando" (killing) instead of the infinitive form. So "matando" is the correct choice.

9. You are correct! Since "quería" is followed by the verb "participar," it should be followed by the infinitive form "participar" (to participate).

10. You are correct again! The sentence talks about "watching a bullfight," so the correct form is the gerund "mirando" (watching).

11. You mentioned that this blank describes how the running of the bull left you feeling. In this case, you are expressing a completed action, so the correct form is the past participle "pensado" (thought) rather than the adverb gerund form.

12. Since the word "va" is modified by the action of the bull moving towards the bullfighter, the correct form to use is the adverb gerund form "corriendo" (running).

13. Good job! The correct form is the gerund "mirando" (watching) since it modifies the verb "quedan" (they stay).

Overall, your logic is correct for most of the answers. Just remember to pay attention to the context and meaning of the sentences to determine whether to use an infinitive or a gerund form. Keep up the good work!