if a 6 foot man casts an 8 foot shadow what is the height of the building that casts a 72 foot shadow

6/8 = x/72

8x = 432

x = 54 feet

To find the height of the building that casts a 72-foot shadow, you can set up a proportion using the concept of similar triangles:

Let 'x' represent the height of the building.

The proportion is:

Height of the man / Length of the man's shadow = Height of the building / Length of the building's shadow

Using the given information:

6 feet / 8 feet = x / 72 feet

Now, we can cross-multiply and solve for 'x':

6 feet * 72 feet = 8 feet * x

432 feet = 8x

Divide both sides by 8:

432 feet / 8 = x

54 feet = x

Therefore, the height of the building is 54 feet.

To find the height of the building that casts a 72-foot shadow, we can use the concept of similar triangles. Here's how you can solve it:

Step 1: Set up a proportion between the height of the man and the length of his shadow. We know that a 6-foot man casts an 8-foot shadow, so we can write it as:

6 feet / 8 feet = (height of building) / 72 feet

Step 2: Cross-multiply the proportion:

8 feet * (height of building) = 6 feet * 72 feet

Step 3: Simplify the equation:

8(height of building) = 432

Step 4: Divide both sides of the equation by 8:

(height of building) = 432 / 8

Therefore, the height of the building that casts a 72-foot shadow is 54 feet.