Geologists use radioactive dating to...

- determine the relative age of rock layers.
- tell the difference between molds and casts.
- tell where one soil horizon begins and the next one ends.
- determine the absolute ages of rocks.

I think it is to determine the absolute ages of rocks, but I'm not quite sure. If someone could explain the correct answer in simple enough terms for a thirteen year old to understand I'd be much obliged. The only explanations I've found so far are too hard to understand.

rainshine is now 17 i think woww

whats the anwers to the quick check????

during the cambrian explosion that began the paleozoic era the many new forms of life that envolved

Yeah I think that Rainshine was right on the first part

Never mind. My answer was correct.

IDK I need help to

Please help me? My parents don't know anything on the subject and I'm very confused.

You're on the right track! Geologists use radioactive dating to determine the absolute ages of rocks. Let me explain it in simple terms for you:

When rocks are formed, they contain certain chemical elements, such as uranium or potassium, that are radioactive. Radioactive elements are unstable, which means they break down or decay over time. This decay happens at a predictable rate called the half-life, which is the time it takes for half of the radioactive atoms in a substance to decay.

By studying the ratio of the radioactive element to its decay product in a rock, geologists can calculate how much of the radioactive element has decayed and, therefore, how long the rock has been formed. This helps them determine the age of the rock.

To use radioactive dating, geologists collect rock samples and analyze them in a laboratory. They measure the abundance of the radioactive element and its decay product using specialized equipment. Based on the known decay rate of the radioactive element, they can calculate the age of the rock.

So, in summary, geologists use radioactive dating to determine the absolute ages of rocks by measuring the ratio of a radioactive element and its decay product. This method helps them understand the history and formation of rocks, which is crucial for understanding Earth's past events and processes.

allright for future students
