Which of the following bodies was Thomas Jefferson NOT a member of? a.)The Massachusetts Colonial Legislature b.)The Continental Congress c.)The Virginia House of Burgesses =d.)The Virginia Committee of Correspondence

In which of those states was Jefferson NOT a resident?

To determine which of the following bodies Thomas Jefferson was not a member of, let's examine each option:

a) The Massachusetts Colonial Legislature: To find out if Thomas Jefferson was a member of this body, you can search for information about his involvement in Massachusetts politics or his memberships. This can be done by looking through reliable historical records, including biographies, official documents, or websites dedicated to Thomas Jefferson's life and achievements.

b) The Continental Congress: Thomas Jefferson's participation in the Continental Congress is well-documented. However, it is worth double-checking to confirm that he indeed served as a member. Reliable historical sources such as books, articles, or official documents can confirm this information.

c) The Virginia House of Burgesses: Thomas Jefferson was a member of the Virginia House of Burgesses, which was the legislative body of colonial Virginia. Reliable historical sources can confirm his participation.

d) The Virginia Committee of Correspondence: To determine if Thomas Jefferson was a member of this committee, you can consult historical records or documents related to his political engagements in Virginia. Additionally, biographical information or books detailing his political career may provide information on his involvement with the Virginia Committee of Correspondence.

By conducting research using reliable historical sources, you should be able to find the information required to determine which body Thomas Jefferson was not a member of.