posted by rfvv today at 12:00am

1. The club will ( perform ) at the school festival next month.
2. The club will *play* at the school festival next month.
Thank you for your help in many ways.
The correct word for the blank in Sentence 1 (in the reading text) is 'perform'.
However, a student wrote 'play' instead of 'perform'.
The point for 'perform' is two. How would give a point for 'play' in this case?
Reed today at 12:30am
If the club is a musical group, as in a band or chamber ensemble, etc., we might say they will play, as in playing their instruments. Perform is preferred, though. No points if it's the drama club.

rfvv today at 12:44am
The club is a dance club. They have been practicing dance moves including hip-hop moves.
Do you mean if the club is a dance club, no points are given to the students who wrote 'play' in the sentence?
Thank you for your help.

1. The (dancing) club will ( perform ) at the school festival next month. [Correct Answer, two points for 'perform']
2. The (dancing) club will *play* at the school festival next month.
[Should I give two points or one point for 'play']

I wouldn't give any points for "play."

one point for the answer would be good,given the word play is somehow similar to the verb perform,although they may differ in context

Based on the additional information provided, it seems that the club in question is a dance club and they have been practicing dance moves, including hip-hop moves. In this case, it would be more appropriate to say that the club will "perform" at the school festival, rather than "play".

When determining the points for the students' answer of "play", you could consider the following:

1. If the students were provided with information that clearly indicates the club is a dance club, such as what was mentioned above, you could deduct one point from their total score for not selecting the more appropriate word "perform". This would make their score one point instead of two points.

2. However, if the students were not given any specific information about the nature of the club, and "play" could still be a valid interpretation (e.g., if the club also includes musical elements or performances), then you may consider giving them the benefit of the doubt and award them the full two points for their answer.

Ultimately, the decision on how many points to assign for the answer of "play" should depend on the context provided and your judgment as the evaluator.