A car travel a distance of 8 km frome P to Q then moves 6 km at right angles to PQ .Find its travel distance and displacement

3 , 4 , 5 right triangle so distance = 10

If 8 in the x direction and then 6 in the y direction then
tan A = 6/8 = 3/4 where A is angle above x axis
A = 37 degrees approximately

d = 8 + 6 = 14 km = Travel distance.

D^2 = 8^2 + 6^2 = 100,
D = 10 km @ 37o. = Displacement = Straight line distance from starting point.

To find the travel distance, we can add up the distances traveled in the two directions.

Distance traveled from P to Q = 8 km.
Distance traveled perpendicular to PQ = 6 km.

Travel distance = Distance from P to Q + Distance perpendicular to PQ
Travel distance = 8 km + 6 km = 14 km.

Now, let's find the displacement. Displacement is a straight line measurement from the initial point to the final point, regardless of the path taken.

We can use the Pythagorean theorem to find the displacement.

Distance traveled from P to Q = 8 km.
Distance traveled perpendicular to PQ = 6 km.

Using the Pythagorean theorem, the displacement (d) can be found as:
d = √(8 km)^2 + (6 km)^2
d = √(64 km^2 + 36 km^2)
d = √100 km^2
d = 10 km.

Therefore, the travel distance is 14 km, and the displacement is 10 km.