Dependent events are one or more events than influences the probability of another event. Conditional probability is NOT a measure that influences one or more events. True or false

What do you think?

I believe the answer is FALSE

I have read this website over and over and see reason why this is true and why it is false. Can you help and explain why?.


Dependent events are defined as events that do influence the probability of another event. In other words, the occurrence of one event affects the probability of the occurrence of another event. For example, if you are drawing cards from a deck and you don't replace the cards after each draw, the probability of drawing a certain card will change depending on what cards have already been drawn.

On the other hand, conditional probability is a measure that calculates the probability of an event occurring given that another event has already occurred. It is used to evaluate the probability of an event taking into account additional information or conditions. So, conditional probability is indeed a measure that influences one or more events.

Therefore, the statement "Conditional probability is NOT a measure that influences one or more events" is false.