You are visiting a friend in Coshocton and need to get to Cedar Point in Sandusky. These two cities are 106 miles apart. Using the scale of 3 cm = 50 miles, how many centimeters apart are the two cities? Make sure you label your answer. Round your answer to the nearest hundredths.


3cm/50mi = 1

You can always multiply by 1 without changing anything, so

106mi * 3cm/50mi = 318/50 = 6.36 cm

To find out how many centimeters apart the two cities are using the given scale, we can set up a proportion.

The given scale is 3 cm = 50 miles.

Let x be the number of centimeters apart the two cities are.
And let 106 miles be the number of miles apart the two cities are.

So, we can set up the proportion:

3 cm / 50 miles = x cm / 106 miles

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

3 cm * 106 miles = 50 miles * x cm

318 cm*miles = 50 miles * x cm

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 50 miles:

318 cm*miles / 50 miles = x cm

Simplifying the left side of the equation:

6.36 cm = x

Therefore, the two cities are approximately 6.36 centimeters apart.