Which options correctly identify a major method scientists use to make their work known to others?

(Select all that apply)

presentations at conferences

articles in peer-reviewed journals

university seminars

television and radio appearances


In my experience all but D. Except for specific science guy personalities, scientists are unlikely to go on radio or TV. They might be interviewed by a reporter if the project hits the headlines somehow.

thank you.

Correct, options C and D correctly identify major methods scientists use to make their work known to others. Scientists often present their research findings at conferences, where they can share their work with other experts in their field. This allows for the exchange of ideas and promotes collaboration. Additionally, scientists publish their research in peer-reviewed journals. These journals ensure that the research goes through a rigorous evaluation process by experts in the field before being published, which helps maintain the quality and credibility of scientific knowledge. While university seminars and television and radio appearances can also be methods scientists use to make their work known, they may not be as common or universally applicable as the first two options.