1.y + 3 >_ 5

???How do I solve this

2. Write an inequality to represent the information: The temperature stayed above 15°F
I think it is: t < 15 but I am sooo not sure

3. Gabriella went skiing. She paid $35 to rent skis and $15 an hour to to ski, if she paid a total of $95, how many hours did she ski? Write an equation to represent the situation and solve it. I think it's this: 95-35=60, 60/15=4 so she skied for 4 hours.

4. c/4-5=4
???? how do I solve this?

5. y-6 >_ 12
Is it 18.....I think....

#1 get y all by itself

#2 it says GREATER than so y > 15
start there : )

3 is correct : )

4 take the 5 to the other side then multiply both sides by 4
5 is correct : )

Okay...what about the rest, and what do you mean get y all by itself? Thanks- C. Renee

Okay thank you than one last thing what do you mean get y all by itself

Leave y on the left hand side of the inequality and move everything else over to the right hand side : )

Okay thank you MsPi_3.14159265! :-)

So would #1 be 8 because 5+3 is eight?

Not quite... to get the 3 off of the left hand side, you have to SUBTRACT it from both sides...

oh ok thanks! I will let you know if I have another question

1. To solve the inequality y + 3 ≥ 5, we need to isolate y.

Start by subtracting 3 from both sides of the inequality:

y + 3 - 3 ≥ 5 - 3

This simplifies to:

y ≥ 2

So, the solution to the inequality is y ≥ 2.

2. The correct inequality to represent the information "The temperature stayed above 15°F" is actually t > 15. The symbol ">" represents "greater than," and since we want the temperature to be above 15°F, we use the "greater than" symbol.

3. To represent the situation and solve the equation for Gabriella's skiing, let's assume she skied for x hours. We can then use the given information to create an equation.

The equation would be: 35 + 15x = 95. The first term, 35, represents the rental cost, and the second term, 15x, represents the cost of skiing for x hours.

To solve the equation and find how many hours Gabriella skied, we can follow these steps:

1. Subtract 35 from both sides of the equation:

35 + 15x - 35 = 95 - 35

This simplifies to:

15x = 60

2. Divide both sides of the equation by 15:

(15x)/15 = 60/15

This simplifies to:

x = 4

So Gabriella skied for 4 hours.

4. To solve the equation c/4 - 5 = 4, we need to isolate c.

Start by adding 5 to both sides of the equation:

c/4 - 5 + 5 = 4 + 5

This simplifies to:

c/4 = 9

Next, multiply both sides of the equation by 4 to get rid of the fraction:

(c/4) * 4 = 9 * 4

This simplifies to:

c = 36

So, the solution to the equation is c = 36.

5. To solve the inequality y - 6 ≥ 12, we need to isolate y.

Start by adding 6 to both sides of the inequality:

y - 6 + 6 ≥ 12 + 6

This simplifies to:

y ≥ 18

So, the solution to the inequality is y ≥ 18.