For this portfolio project, you will conduct research and examine documents that show the thoughts of both immigrants and people who opposed immigration. You will use the research and primary documents to write an essay in which you answer the question: How did immigration affect immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900?

1. you will conduct research and examine documents that show the thoughts of immigrants*

2. you will conduct research and examine documents that show the thoughts of people who opposed immigration*

3. use the research and primary documents to write an essay

4. essay topic ~~> How did immigration affect immigrants and other Americans around 1900 CE?

*Hint: Read up on Ellis Island to help. Just go to Google and enter Ellis Island and read, read, read.

I am so confused on what they are asking here, can someone explain?

To answer the question of how immigration affected immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900, you will need to conduct research and examine relevant primary documents. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you approach this portfolio project:

1. Research: Begin by gathering background information on immigration during the late 19th and early 20th centuries in the United States. Focus on understanding the push and pull factors that influenced immigration during this period, the countries of origin for the immigrants, and the conditions they faced upon arrival.

2. Identify primary sources: Look for primary sources such as diaries, letters, newspaper articles, and government documents from the time period that provide firsthand accounts of the experiences of immigrants and the reactions of other Americans. These sources will help you get a clear understanding of how immigration impacted different groups.

3. Analyze the experiences of immigrants: Use the primary sources to examine the experiences of immigrants around 1900. Take note of the challenges they faced, such as language barriers, discrimination, and labor exploitation. Pay attention to their motivations for coming to America and how they perceived their new lives.

4. Explore the reactions of other Americans: Similarly, analyze primary documents that reflect the thoughts and opinions of Americans who opposed immigration. Look for arguments against immigration and the concerns raised by these individuals, including economic, cultural, and political perspectives.

5. Organize your essay: Consider how you want to structure your essay to answer the question effectively. You can choose to have separate sections dedicated to the experiences of immigrants and the reactions of other Americans, followed by an analysis of the overall impact on both groups.

6. Develop your thesis statement: Based on your research and analysis, formulate a clear thesis statement that provides an argument or answer to the question. Your thesis statement should guide your essay's main argument and highlight the key points you will discuss.

7. Draft your essay: Start by introducing the topic and providing necessary background information. Then, develop your argument by discussing the experiences of immigrants and the reactions of Americans, using specific examples from your research and primary documents. Conclude your essay by summarizing your findings and reinforcing your thesis statement.

8. Revise and edit: Review your draft for clarity, coherence, and factual accuracy. Ensure that your arguments are supported by evidence from your research and primary sources. Edit for grammar, punctuation, and style to ensure your essay is polished and well-written.

Remember to cite your sources properly using a consistent citation style, such as MLA or APA, throughout your essay. Good luck with your project!

To answer the question of how immigration affected immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900, you will need to conduct research and examine primary documents from that time period. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to approach this portfolio project:

1. Define your research goals: Clearly define what you want to learn about how immigration affected immigrants and other Americans around 1900. This will help focus your research and guide your analysis and writing.

2. Understand the context: Before diving into primary documents, it's essential to have a good understanding of the historical context. Familiarize yourself with the time period around 1900, including the economic, social, and political landscape, as well as any significant events or policies related to immigration.

3. Research secondary sources: Start by reading scholarly books, articles, and reputable online sources to gain an overview of the topic. Look for works that provide analysis and interpretations of the immigration experiences during that time period. Pay attention to different perspectives, including those of immigrants and opponents of immigration.

4. Identify primary sources: Primary sources are firsthand accounts or artifacts that provide direct evidence. Look for primary sources such as personal diaries, letters, newspaper articles, government reports, photographs, or even laws and policies relating to immigration during the early 1900s. The Library of Congress, National Archives, and other online repositories are excellent resources for finding primary documents.

5. Analyze primary sources: Carefully examine the primary documents you have found. Take note of the author, date, and context of each source. Identify any biases or limitations that may be present. Compare and contrast different sources to get a well-rounded picture of the experiences and perspectives of immigrants and other Americans during that time.

6. Organize your findings: As you analyze the primary sources, start organizing your findings based on common themes or categories that emerged. Look for patterns, trends, or notable differences among the experiences of immigrants and other Americans. Create an outline or other organizational structure that will guide your essay.

7. Write your essay: Using the data and insights gained from your research, begin writing your essay. Start with an introduction that provides the necessary background information and sets up your thesis statement. Use evidence from your primary sources to support your arguments and provide examples. Make sure to analyze and interpret the information rather than simply recounting facts.

8. Revise and edit: Once you have completed a draft of your essay, review and revise it for clarity, coherence, and strength of arguments. Check for any errors or inconsistencies and make sure your ideas flow logically from one paragraph to the next. Consider seeking feedback from peers, teachers, or instructors to further improve your essay.

By following these steps, you should be able to conduct effective research, analyze primary documents, and write a comprehensive essay on how immigration affected immigrants and other Americans around the year 1900.