use graphycal method of addition of vector to determine the resultant and direction of the vector 20m,45°+25m ,300°+15m,210° use scale of 1cm = 5m

I can not graph here

East = 20 cos 45 -25 cos 30 -15 cos 60
North = 20 cos 45 + 25 cos 60 - 15 cos 30

To use the graphical method of vector addition, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a reference line or base line to represent the direction and scale of your vector.Add labels for the scale, such as 1cm = 5m, as given in the question.

Step 2: Start at the origin of the reference line and draw the first vector, which is 20m at an angle of 45 degrees. The magnitude of the vector will be 20m, and the angle will be measured counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.

Step 3: Draw the second vector, which is 25m at an angle of 300 degrees. In this case, 300 degrees is equivalent to 60 degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis. Again, measure the angle counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.

Step 4: Draw the third vector, which is 15m at an angle of 210 degrees. In this case, 210 degrees is equivalent to 150 degrees clockwise from the positive x-axis. Measure the angle counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis.

Step 5: To find the resultant vector, connect the tail of the first vector to the head of the last vector. This will form a closed triangle. The closed triangle represents the resultant vector.

Step 6: Measure the magnitude of the resultant vector by comparing it to the scale. In this case, let's assume the length of the resultant vector is 6cm on the graph, which corresponds to 6cm * 5m/cm = 30m.

Step 7: Measure the angle of the resultant vector counter-clockwise from the positive x-axis. This can be done by measuring the angle between the reference line and the line representing the resultant vector. In this case, let's assume the angle is 135 degrees.

Therefore, the resultant vector is 30m at an angle of 135 degrees.