Spanish help please.....!!!!


The directions I was given was this:

Choose the word that correctly completes the sentence (a; para; que); or select "No word is required".


I'm stuck on all of the ones I was given. Pls help me on them...


51. Yo deseo _______ pasar un rato con mis amigos.
52. Uso el teléfono_____invitarlos.
53. Los amigos, Pepe y Luisa, van_________venir a mi casa.
54. Ellos tienen_________llamar a la puerta dos veces.
55. No pueden______esperar mucho tiempo.
56. Yo voy_______estudiar más.
57. Queremos_________eschuchar la música.
58. Sabemos_______bailar muy bien.
59. No tememos mucho tiempo porque los amigos necesitan_____regresar.
60. Tenemos______llamar a Pedro.


Remember, fill in the blanks with the following: a; para; que; no word is required.


Sure, I can help you with these sentences. Here's how you can determine the correct word to fill in the blanks:

51. Yo deseo _______ pasar un rato con mis amigos.
- To choose between "a," "para," or "que," we need to understand the meaning of the sentence. In this case, "deseo" means "I want" or "I wish." We use "para" when the intended purpose is mentioned explicitly, so the correct word here is "para."

52. Uso el teléfono _____ invitarlos.
- Again, we need to understand the meaning of the sentence. "Uso el teléfono" means "I use the phone." We use "para" to indicate the purpose for which something is being used. Therefore, the correct word here is "para."

53. Los amigos, Pepe y Luisa, van _______ venir a mi casa.
- In this sentence, "Las amigos, Pepe y Luisa, van" means "The friends, Pepe and Luisa, are going." We use "a" before a destination to indicate movement towards that place. So the correct word here is "a."

54. Ellos tienen _______ llamar a la puerta dos veces.
- Here, "Ellos tienen" means "They have." When expressing the obligation or necessity to do something, we use "que." So the correct word here is "que."

55. No pueden______esperar mucho tiempo.
- The phrase "No pueden" translates to "They cannot." When expressing the ability or inability to do something, we use "que." Therefore, the correct word here is "que."

56. Yo voy _______ estudiar más.
- "Yo voy" means "I am going." In this context, we use "a" to indicate the action towards which we are going. The correct word here is "a."

57. Queremos _______ eschuchar la música.
- "Queremos" translates to "We want." In this case, "queremos" expresses the desire or intention to do something, so we use "a" after verbs of desire or intention. The correct word here is "a."

58. Sabemos _______ bailar muy bien.
- "Sabemos" means "We know." When we know how to do something, we use "cómo" or "hacer" instead of "que" or "a." In this sentence, the correct answer is "no word is required."

59. No tememos mucho tiempo porque los amigos necesitan _____regresar.
- "No tememos" means "We are not afraid." When expressing a cause or reason, we use "que." Therefore, the correct word here is "que."

60. Tenemos _______llamar a Pedro.
- "Tenemos" means "We have." In this context, it indicates the intention or need to do something, so "que" is the correct word here.

To summarize the correct answers:
51. para
52. para
53. a
54. que
55. que
56. a
57. a
58. no word required
59. que
60. que

I hope this helps!

51. Yo deseo pasar un rato con mis amigos. (No word is required)

52. Uso el teléfono para invitarlos.
53. Los amigos, Pepe y Luisa, van a venir a mi casa.
54. Ellos tienen que llamar a la puerta dos veces.
55. No pueden esperar mucho tiempo. (No word is required)
56. Yo voy a estudiar más.
57. Queremos escuchar la música. (No word is required)
58. Sabemos bailar muy bien. (No word is required)
59. No tememos mucho tiempo porque los amigos necesitan regresar.
60. Tenemos que llamar a Pedro.