If you roll a 6-sided die 96 times, what is the best prediction possible for the number of times you will roll a one?

What is (1/6) * 96 ?

its 16 ...


It is 16.

To find the best prediction for the number of times you will roll a one when rolling a 6-sided die 96 times, we first need to understand the concept of probability.

The probability of a certain outcome occurring is calculated by dividing the number of favorable outcomes by the total number of possible outcomes. In the case of rolling a fair 6-sided die, there is one favorable outcome (rolling a one) out of six possible outcomes (rolling a one, two, three, four, five, or six).

So, the probability of rolling a one on a fair 6-sided die is 1/6.

To predict the number of times you will roll a one when rolling the die 96 times, we can use the concept of expected value. The expected value is calculated by multiplying the probability of an event occurring by the number of times that event is expected to happen.

Therefore, the best prediction for the number of times you will roll a one when rolling the die 96 times is:
Expected Value = Probability of rolling a one × Total number of rolls
Expected Value = (1/6) × 96
Expected Value = 16

Hence, the best prediction is that you will roll a one approximately 16 times when rolling the die 96 times.

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