5. _______ are publications geared toward audiences made up of people in specific professions.

A. General-interest nonfiction books
B. Reference works
C. Popular sources
D. Trade journals

5 D

14. "Because I have eaten French food in France, I can say that French cuisine is better than American cooking." This statement is an example of a

A. fact.
B. bias.
C. generalization.
D. definition.

14. C

I agree with both of your answers.

P.S. I've eaten a lot of French food in France -- much of it was fast or cheap food -- like Croque Monsieur -- a ham and cheese sandwich. <g>

Correct answers:

5. D. Trade journals

14. C. Generalization

To find the answer to question 5, we need to understand what each option refers to.

A. General-interest nonfiction books - these are books that provide information or are based on facts, but they are not specifically targeted towards any particular profession.
B. Reference works - these are sources like dictionaries, encyclopedias, or comprehensive guides that provide information on various topics, but they are not specific to a profession.
C. Popular sources - these are publications that are intended for a general audience and are not focused on any particular profession.
D. Trade journals - these are publications that cater to people in specific professions or industries and provide specialized information, news, and analysis.

Based on the definitions above, the answer to question 5 is D. Trade journals, as they are publications geared towards audiences made up of people in specific professions.

Now, let's move on to question 14. We need to understand what each option represents.

A. Fact - a fact is a statement that can be proven or verified through evidence or observation.
B. Bias - bias refers to the inclination or prejudice towards a particular perspective or point of view.
C. Generalization - a generalization is a broad statement that applies to a group or category as a whole, based on limited information or experiences.
D. Definition - a definition is a statement or explanation that describes the meaning of a word or concept.

The statement "Because I have eaten French food in France, I can say that French cuisine is better than American cooking" is an example of a generalization. The person is making a broad statement about the superiority of French cuisine based on their personal experience, which may not be representative of all French cuisine or American cooking. Therefore, the answer to question 14 is C. Generalization.