what is the formal way to use the plural form for you in most of spain

Formal = ustedes

Informal = vosotros & vosotras

Is that what you mean?


thank you @Sra! I got this one right :D

In most of Spain, the formal way to use the plural form for "you" is by using the pronoun "ustedes." "Ustedes" is the formal plural form of "usted," which is the singular formal form for "you." This form is used to show respect or to address a group of people in a formal or polite manner.

To form the plural of "usted," you simply add the suffix "-es" to the singular form. So, "ustedes" is the plural form of "usted."

For example, if you wanted to say "You are my friends" in a formal way, you would say "Ustedes son mis amigos."

Remember, though, that different Spanish-speaking countries have different variations and customs regarding formal and informal forms of address. It's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the specific customs of the region you're in or the people you're interacting with.