In which carbon pool does extra carbon accumulate?

Liter & Waste?

The carbon pool in which extra carbon usually accumulates is the atmosphere. When excess carbon is released into the atmosphere from human activities, such as burning fossil fuels or deforestation, it contributes to the increase of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide (CO2). Carbon dioxide is a primary greenhouse gas responsible for trapping heat in the atmosphere and causing global warming.

To determine this, you can consider the carbon cycle, which is the flow of carbon between different reservoirs in the Earth's system. The major carbon reservoirs, known as carbon pools, include the atmosphere, biosphere (plants and animals), oceans, and the Earth's interior (such as rocks and fossil fuels).

When carbon is added to the atmosphere, it accumulates and increases the concentration of CO2, leading to environmental concerns like climate change. However, it is worth mentioning that carbon can also accumulate in other carbon pools, such as the oceans and vegetation, but in the context of excess carbon accumulation, the atmosphere is the primary pool affected.