Which of the following best describes the velocity of an object?

5 m east

28 m/s


35 m/s east****

This is a site for education. You can't just assume peoples intelligence by reading an online post. However, based on your past responses, you are an impersonator and a troll.

Which of the best describes the velocity of an object

The correct answer is: 35 m/s east.

Velocity is a vector quantity that describes the speed and direction of an object's motion. In this case, the velocity is 35 m/s, which represents the speed of the object. The "east" indicates the direction in which the object is moving.

To determine the velocity of an object, you would need to measure its speed and direction. In this case, if you were given the speed of 35 m/s, you would need additional information about the object's direction to fully describe its velocity. The "east" indicates that the object is moving in the eastern direction. Therefore, the correct description of the object's velocity is "35 m/s east."

actually i think the answer is b