two stores carry similar stereos for the same original price of $573. one store (lets say homegoods)offers a 16% discount and the second store, sells it for $458.40.

which store gives the better discount
(im stuck i dont know how to answer this plz help)

To determine which store offers the better discount, we need to compare the discounted price from HomeGoods with the price from the second store.

Let's start by calculating the discount offered by HomeGoods. We know that HomeGoods offers a 16% discount on the original price of $573. To calculate the discount amount, we multiply 16% (or 0.16) by the original price:

Discount amount = 0.16 * $573
Discount amount = $91.68

Next, we need to calculate the discounted price at HomeGoods. This is done by subtracting the discount amount from the original price:

Discounted price at HomeGoods = $573 - $91.68
Discounted price at HomeGoods = $481.32

Comparing this with the price at the second store, which is $458.40, we can see that the discounted price at HomeGoods ($481.32) is higher. Therefore, HomeGoods offers the better discount in this case.