Can you help me estimate in suitable metric units the length of a fly

How many flies lined up make a meter ?

I think maybe a couple of hundred
1/200 = 0.005 meter (I would call that 5*10^-3 meters)
but you could also call it 5 millimeters or half a centimeter or whatever if you are into non science units

I'd measure it in millimeters.

I hope you have a ruler that has millimeters and centimeters. How about a meter stick with those markings?

Certainly! To estimate the length of a fly, you can use a basic measuring technique. Here's how:

1. Obtain a ruler or a measuring tape: You'll need a tool that provides metric units, such as centimeters (cm) or millimeters (mm).

2. Capture the fly: You'll need to catch the fly to measure it accurately. You can use a small container or a piece of tape to trap it temporarily.

3. Place the fly on a flat surface: Gently place the fly on a smooth, non-adhesive surface like a piece of paper or a table.

4. Measure the fly's length: Position the measuring tool close to the fly's body and align one end (e.g., zero mark) with the starting point of the fly. Then, measure the distance up to the other end of the fly's body. Note that flies have a slender shape, so measuring from head to tail is more suitable.

5. Record the measurement: Read the measurement in metric units (e.g., centimeters or millimeters) and write it down for reference.

Flies are generally small insects, so their length is typically measured in millimeters or a few centimeters. Keep in mind that your measurement will be an estimate due to the fly's size and potential movements.

Remember to handle the fly with care and release it unharmed after taking your measurements.