triangle ABC,angleA=60 degree,angleB=70 degree,angleC=50 degree. AB=6cm,BC=6.5cm,AC=7cm. Find its centroid.

the centroid is the intersection of the medians. So, let AB and AC be vectors from A, and BD and CE be the medians from B and C.

Then we have (using suitable coordinates)
A = (0,0)
B = (6,0)
C = (7/2,7√3/2)
D = (7/4,7√3/4)
E = (3,0)
BD is the line y = -14√3/17 (x-6)
CE is the line y = 7√3 (x-3)

Now just find the intersection of those two lines.

To find the centroid of triangle ABC, we need to determine the point where the three medians of the triangle intersect. A median is a line segment drawn from a vertex to the midpoint of the opposite side.

To find the centroid, we need to follow these steps:
1. Find the coordinates of the vertices of triangle ABC.
2. Determine the midpoints of each side of the triangle.
3. Calculate the equations of the medians passing through each vertex of the triangle.
4. Solve the system of equations formed by the equations of the medians to find their point of intersection, which is the centroid.

Let's go through each step in detail:

Step 1: Finding the coordinates of the vertices.
Since we are not given any specific coordinates, we can assume one of the vertices as the origin (0,0).

Let's assign the coordinates to the vertices of the triangle as follows:
A(0, 0)
B(6.5, 0)
C(c, d) (unknown coordinates)

Step 2: Determine the midpoints of each side.
The midpoints of each side can be found by taking the average of the coordinates of the two vertices that define the side.

Midpoint of AB = (0 + 6.5) / 2, (0 + 0) / 2 = (3.25, 0)
Midpoint of AC = (0 + c) / 2, (0 + d) / 2 = (c/2, d/2)
Midpoint of BC = (6.5 + c) / 2, (0 + d) / 2 = ((6.5 + c)/2, d/2)

Step 3: Calculate the equations of the medians.
The equation of a line passing through two points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) can be found using the point-slope form:
y - y₁ = ((y₂ - y₁) / (x₂ - x₁)) * (x - x₁)

We will derive the equations of the medians passing through each vertex.

Median from A passing through the midpoint of BC:
Using the coordinates (0, 0) and ((6.5 + c)/2, d/2), we can find the equation of the median.

y - 0 = ((d/2 - 0) / ((6.5 + c)/2 - 0)) * (x - 0)

Simplifying the equation:
y = (d / (6.5 + c)) * x

Similarly, you can find the equations for the medians passing through vertices B and C.

Median from B passing through the midpoint of AC:
Using the coordinates (6.5, 0) and (c/2, d/2), we can find the equation of the median.

y - 0 = ((d/2 - 0) / (c/2 - 6.5)) * (x - 6.5)

Median from C passing through the midpoint of AB:
Using the coordinates (c, d) and (3.25, 0), we can find the equation of the median.

y - d = ((0 - d) / (3.25 - c)) * (x - c)

Step 4: Solve the system of equations to find the centroid.
Now that we have the equations of the medians, we can solve the system of equations formed by these equations to find the point of intersection, which is the centroid.

Let's solve the system of equations:
1. y = (d / (6.5 + c)) * x -- Equation of median passing through A
2. y = (d/2 - 0) / (c/2 - 6.5) * (x - 6.5) -- Equation of median passing through B
3. y - d = ((0 - d) / (3.25 - c)) * (x - c) -- Equation of median passing through C

Using algebraic techniques, we can solve these equations to find the values of c and d. Plug these values back into one of the median equations to determine the centroid point (x, y) of the triangle.

Note: The calculations can be a bit lengthy, so it's advisable to use software or a calculator to solve the system of equations.