Last one. Idk abt this one

The picture above shows two phenotypes of peppered moths (dark and light). The dark moth has an advantage over the light moth because it can blend in with its environment better. As a result, the darker moth is more fit to survive, reproduce and pass along its genes. This can best be described as ______________. *

camouflage ***



natural selection


I pick D then


The correct answer is natural selection. Natural selection is a process in which certain traits or characteristics become more or less common in a population over time, based on the ability of individuals with those traits to survive and reproduce. In this case, the dark moth has a better chance of survival because it can blend in with its environment better, making it less likely to be preyed upon. As a result, the dark moth is more fit to survive, reproduce, and pass along its genes, leading to an increase in the population of dark moths over time.