please help evaluate this problem with the steps. m/n +m/2p, when m=-4/7,n=5/3,p=8/5

just plug in the numbers..

m/n +m/2p

= (-4/7) / (5/3) + (-4/7) / (16/5)
= (-4/7)(3/5) + (-4/7)(5/16)
= -12/35 + (-20/112)
= -12/35 - 5/28

now 35 = 5 x 7
and 28 = 4 x7
so the LCD = 5x4x7 = 140

carry on from here

that is where my problem comes in please help with that part with the steps

please help me to solve this problem from this point

To evaluate the expression m/n + m/2p when m = -4/7, n = 5/3, and p = 8/5, follow these steps:

Step 1: Substitute the given values into the expression:

(-4/7)/(5/3) + (-4/7)/(2*(8/5))

Step 2: Simplify the expression within each set of parentheses, following the order of operations (PEMDAS/BODMAS):

(-4/7) * (3/5) + (-4/7) * (1/(2*(8/5)))

Step 3: Simplify the multiplications within the parentheses:

(-4/7) * (3/5) + (-4/7) * (1/((16/5)))

Step 4: Multiply the numerators and denominators:

((-4*3) / (7*5)) + ((-4*5) / (7*16))

Step 5: Simplify the fractions:

(-12/35) + (-20/112)

Step 6: Find the common denominator for the fractions.

The least common multiple (LCM) of 35 and 112 is 112.

Step 7: Adjust the fractions to have the common denominator:

((-12*112)/(35*112)) + ((-20*35)/(112*35))

Step 8: Simplify the numerators:

(-1344/3920) + (-700/3920)

Step 9: Combine the fractions by adding/subtracting the numerators:

(-1344 - 700) / 3920

Step 10: Simplify the numerator:

-2044 / 3920

Step 11: Simplify the fraction by finding the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator:

-511 / 980

Therefore, the simplified expression for m/n + m/2p when m = -4/7, n = 5/3, and p = 8/5 is -511/980.