What is consumed whenever work is done

Fuel consumption is increased

so this increases cost.


When work is done, energy is consumed. Energy is the ability to do work, and whenever work is performed, energy is transferred or transformed from one form to another. To understand how energy is consumed, let's consider a simple example:

Imagine lifting a box off the ground and placing it on a shelf. In this case, the work is done against the force of gravity. To accomplish this, your muscles contract, generating mechanical energy. This energy is transmitted to your arms, which provide the lifting force. As a result, the box gains gravitational potential energy as it moves upwards.

In this scenario, the energy consumed is derived from your body's chemical energy, obtained through the breakdown of food you've consumed. The chemical energy is converted into mechanical energy by the muscles, which enables you to do the work of lifting the box.

In summary, whenever work is done, energy is consumed, and the type of energy consumed depends on the nature of the work being performed.