I need help figuring out this problem I have tried everything but cannot get the answer.

I have to find the coordinates of a qualiteral using vwxy after a scale factor of two

Here are the The coordinates
V (6,2), W(-2,4) X(-3,-2) Y(3,-5)

PLease help me find the coordinates with a scale factor of two

just multiply all the coordinates by 2!

Just multiply everything by 2

V --> (12,4)
W --> (-4,8) etc

To find the coordinates of a quadrilateral after a scale factor of two, you need to multiply the x and y values of each coordinate by the scale factor. In this case, the scale factor is 2.

Let's go through each coordinate and apply the scale factor:

1. Coordinate V(6,2):
Multiply x by the scale factor: 6 * 2 = 12
Multiply y by the scale factor: 2 * 2 = 4
The new coordinates for V after scaling are V'(12, 4).

2. Coordinate W(-2,4):
Multiply x by the scale factor: -2 * 2 = -4
Multiply y by the scale factor: 4 * 2 = 8
The new coordinates for W after scaling are W'(-4, 8).

3. Coordinate X(-3,-2):
Multiply x by the scale factor: -3 * 2 = -6
Multiply y by the scale factor: -2 * 2 = -4
The new coordinates for X after scaling are X'(-6, -4).

4. Coordinate Y(3,-5):
Multiply x by the scale factor: 3 * 2 = 6
Multiply y by the scale factor: -5 * 2 = -10
The new coordinates for Y after scaling are Y'(6, -10).

Therefore, the coordinates of the quadrilateral VWXY after scaling by a factor of two are:
V'(12, 4)
W'(-4, 8)
X'(-6, -4)
Y'(6, -10)