Review the statement.

Events that occurred before recorded history are __________.
Which correctly completes the sentence?






Right, again! :-)

thank you

Yes, A is the correct answer. The word that completes the sentence correctly is "prehistoric".

To arrive at the answer, you can break down the question and examine the options. The question states that the events being referred to occurred before recorded history. This means that we are looking for a term that describes a time period before written records were kept.

Option A, "prehistoric", is the most suitable choice. The prefix "pre-" means "before", and "historic" refers to written history. Therefore, prehistoric refers to a time before written records existed.

Options B, C, and D - "mythological", "paleolithic", and "neolithic" - are not correctly fitting in the given context. "Mythological" refers to legendary or fictional stories, while "paleolithic" and "neolithic" refer to specific periods in human history which had written records.

Hence, "prehistoric" is the correct answer as it best describes events occurring before recorded history.