A runner tries to keep a consistent stride length in a marathon. But, the length will change during the race. A runner has a stride length of 5 feet for the first half of the race and a stride length of 4.5 feet for the second half.

1.)A marathon is 26 miles 385 yards long. That is about 1.4 × 105 feet. How many feet long is half a marathon?
2.)How many strides would it take to finish the first half of the marathon?
3.)How many strides would it take to finish the second half of the marathon?
im sorry im just so confused and im not really good with word problems.

26 miles, 385 yards

= 26*5280 + 385*3 feet
= 138435 ft, (or 1.38435 x 10^5)

so half a a marathon = 692145 ft

number of strides in first half = 692145/5 = 138435 strides
number of strides in 2nd half = 692145/4.5 = appr 15382 strides

Wait,Reiny I think your wrong. It said it is about 1.4 x 10 5 power,so it's 140,000 right?

sorry* figure out

i figured it out and 138435 divided by 2=692175

You guys are all wrong, I would say the answer but the teacher took our papers but im being fr there is no way thats the answer (2021) ayy

Can you make this a little simpler to figure. This is just confusing.

I got the same as Riney so I don't think its wrong

it is supposed to be in scientific notation so the other answer was correct


No problem! I can help break down the word problem for you and guide you through finding the answers step-by-step.

1.) To find the length of half a marathon, we need to divide the total length of the marathon by 2. Given that a marathon is about 1.4 × 10^5 feet long, we can calculate half of the marathon by dividing this length by 2:
Half marathon length = (1.4 × 10^5 feet) / 2

To perform the division, we divide each term separately:
Half marathon length = 1.4 × 10^5 feet ÷ 2 = 7 × 10^4 feet

Therefore, half a marathon is approximately 7 × 10^4 feet long.

2.) To determine the number of strides it would take to finish the first half of the marathon, we need to divide the length of the first half by the stride length of the runner during that portion of the race. The length of the first half of the marathon is given as 5 feet and we need to divide it by the stride length of 5 feet:
Number of strides for the first half = Length of the first half / Stride length for the first half
Number of strides for the first half = 5 feet / 5 feet = 1 stride

Therefore, it would take 1 stride to finish the first half of the marathon.

3.) Similarly, to find the number of strides it would take to finish the second half of the marathon, we need to divide the length of the second half by the stride length of the runner during that portion of the race. The length of the second half is given as 4.5 feet and we need to divide it by the stride length of 4.5 feet:
Number of strides for the second half = Length of the second half / Stride length for the second half
Number of strides for the second half = 4.5 feet / 4.5 feet = 1 stride

Therefore, it would take 1 stride to finish the second half of the marathon.

Let me know if you have any further questions or need additional explanations!