Find the unit costs. Solve.

A. A 15-inch link of silver chain costs $82.99
B. A 15-inch link of gold chain costs $112.59
How do you do this?

I think divide

Yes. You need to divide.


what is the awnser

I assume the problem wants you to find the cost of one inch of chain.

Each problem has two numbers. What do you think you should do with these numbers?

To find the unit costs, you need to divide the total cost by the quantity of the item. In this case, we are given the cost of a 15-inch link of silver chain ($82.99) and gold chain ($112.59).

To find the unit cost of the silver chain, divide the total cost ($82.99) by the quantity (1 link):
$82.99 / 1 = $82.99

Therefore, the unit cost of the 15-inch link of silver chain is $82.99.

To find the unit cost of the gold chain, divide the total cost ($112.59) by the quantity (1 link):
$112.59 / 1 = $112.59

Therefore, the unit cost of the 15-inch link of gold chain is $112.59.