A Bus with 55 seats left at a park/ride area on highway 34 with 5 empty seats

what percent (estimate) of the seats have passengers in them ?

What is your estimate?


That is not an estimate.

To determine the estimated percentage of seats that have passengers, you need to calculate the ratio of the number of occupied seats to the total number of seats.

Step 1: Determine the number of occupied seats
There are 55 seats in total, and 5 of them are empty. Therefore, the number of occupied seats is 55 - 5 = 50.

Step 2: Calculate the percentage of occupied seats
To find the estimated percentage, divide the number of occupied seats by the total number of seats and multiply by 100:
(50 / 55) * 100 = 90.91%

So, approximately 90.91% of the seats have passengers in them.